Social and Environmental
Responsibility at Y.Chroma
A premium product is more than just the quality you can touch and see. It also means that this brand you’ve invested in acts ethically and responsibly even in ways that aren’t visible.
There are four key ways in which we ensure we are working with a high degree of both social responsibility and environmental responsibility…

A Multitude of Made-in-Europe Textiles
Textile production uses land, energy and water. Countries in which these resources aren’t carefully safeguarded are among the most polluted places in the world, so our sourcing choices have a major impact on our social and environmental footprint…

Clothes That Are Made To Last For Generations
Mall brand disposable fashion contributes to 18.6 million metric tonnes of clothing being thrown away around the world every year.
One of the biggest things we do towards environmental sustainability is to make products designed to last a very long time.
This takes a lot more care – and a bit more money – but it’s a big environmental step…

Ethically Produced in Europe
No Y.Chroma product costs less to you or makes us more money because some person in a factory is getting taken advantage of.
Part of being a premium brand is paying the skilled artisans who deliver our top-drawer quality a fair, European wage…

Understand Carbon – Then Offset It
Every Y.Chroma garment comes with a full Gold Standard C02 Credit that offsets 35 kilograms of C02.
Offsetting the C02 a business like Y.Chroma generates is totally doable. The offset programs we invest in make real environmental and social change, and they’re a pleasure to support…

Every Y.Chroma garment comes with a full Gold Standard C02 Credit that offsets 35 kilograms of C02.